SHC2024 Final in Morges
> 2024-07-14
The SHC2024 Finals took place in Morges VD this year, where the top 10 juniors and top 10 seniors of the Swiss Hacking Challenge 2024 qualifier competed against each other to win prizes, and ultimatively get selected into the ECSC Team Switzerland, that will get to compete at the European Cyber Security Challenge 2024 in Turin in October.

For two days, Switzerland’s top youth ethical hackers met up at La Longeraie in Morges. On the first day, the players got assigned to a team and had to compete in a jeopardy CTF that also featured hardware challenges.
On the second day, the participants had to compete in multiple games aimed to test their teamwork and social skills.
Tanja Eder from SRF Digital joined the event on saturday to interview participants and organisers about the Swiss Hacking Challenge and their motivation for Cyber Security. As a result, there is now a news article about the Swiss Hacking Challenge as well as a podcast about the event!