Team Switzerland in Top 10 at ECSC2024
> 2024-10-12
Team Switzerland scored an impressive achievement: They placed in the top 10 of the European Cyber Security Challenge (ECSC) 2024 in Turin. Competing against 31 other national teams from across Europe, Team Switzerland demonstrated exceptional skill and teamwork in a challenging jeopardy and attack/defense CTF.

Team Switzerland consists of 10 players that have qualified for their spot on the team by participating in the Swiss Hacking Challenge 2024 qualifier and final.
The ECSC2024 was organised by Agenzia per la Cybersicurezza Nazionale and CINI Cybersecurity National Lab was held at the OGR - Officine Grandi Riparazioni, a beautiful venue located in the centre of Turin, Italy.
The team travelled to Turin by train on the 6th of October, which was already an adventure in itself, with part of the team arriving delayed by over 2 hours. Arriving already on sunday allowed the team members to explore the city on the 7th of October before the technical tests and the official opening ceremony that happened on the 8th of October.
On the first competition day on Oct 9, the teams played a jeopardy CTF that ran from 10:00 until 18:00 without a break - the teams ate lunch at their competition table. From 18:00 until 19:00 on the same day they had time to write and submit writeups of how they solved the challenges. Then, dinner was served for everybody at the competition venue and players had time to talk to other teams about their solutions to the challenges. Team Switzerland was placed 13th on the first day.
On the second competition day on Oct 10, the teams played an intense attack/defense ctf that ran from 10:00 until 18:00 without a break. Team Switzerland placed 8th, leading to placing in rank 10 over both days.
The final scoreboard can be found on the ECSC2024 website’s scoreboard page.
You can watch a recap of the whole event on YouTube:
Further reading
- Inside-IT Article
- Netzwoche Article
- SwissCyberSecurity Article
- IT-Markt Article
- ECSC2024 Kickoff Press Release
- ECSC2024 Day 1 Press Release
- ECSC2024 Day 2 Press Release
- ECSC2024 Day 3 Press Release
- ECSC2024 Award Ceremony Press Release
- ECSC2024 Opening Livestream
- ECSC2024 CTF Day 1 Livestream
- ECSC2024 CTF Day 2 Livestream
- ECSC2024 Awards Livestream
- ECSC2024 Photo Gallery